Hangul Windows 2.12

Build of Windows 2.x
OS family16-bit Windows
Version number2.12
Architecturex86 16-bit

Hangul Windows 2.12 is an unconfirmed Korean version of Windows 2.x, which was mentioned on the history page of the Microsoft Korea website in 1999.[1] According to the page, it was released on 20 September 1990 and succeeded version 2.1 from May 1990. It is currently unknown whether the page refers to an actual version numbered 2.12 or a typo of version number 2.11.

Screenshots of a Korean version of Windows with files dated from 12 September 1990 were found with a picture of installation media labelled as version 2.1.[2][3] It is unclear whether the version shown is the original May release (per the version label), or the updated September version (per the file date).

Gallery[edit | edit source]

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