Azure Stack HCI build 20348

Build of Azure Stack HCI, version 21H2
OS familyWindows 10 (NT 10.0)
Version number10.0
Build number20348
Build revision1
Build labfe_release
Compiled on2021-05-07
Azure Stack HCI Server Core
Available as UUP Packages only (vSKUs are excluded from list):[a]
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About dialog

Azure Stack HCI build 20348 is the official Public Preview build of Azure Stack HCI, version 21H2. This build was released to the public on 25 May 2021[1], one day after its server counterpart.

Changes[edit | edit source]

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Notes[edit | edit source]

  1. These SKUs are only available in this build and it's updates' source packages, albeit with missing base edition manifest which can be reproduced; they must be manually staged through the DISM utility in order to install and use them.

References[edit | edit source]

  1. What’s new for Azure Stack HCI at Build 2021, Azure Stack Blog, 25 May 2021.