Windows Server 2008 build 6001.16606

Build of Windows Server 2008
OS familyWindows NT
Version number6.0
Build number6001
Build revision16606
Architecturex86, x64, IA-64
Build lablonghorn
Compiled on2007-06-19
Expiration date
Timebomb2008-04-07 (+293 days)
Standard Server (Core)
Enterprise Server (Core)
Datacenter Server (Core)
Web Server
About dialog
TCB.png TCBGallery.png

Windows Server 2008 build 6001.16606 is a build of Windows Server 2008. The message during the first boot messsage was shortened to "Please wait while Windows sets up your computer...", but however, with Windows Vista logo and wordmark on top, which will be removed in the next build. This build is available in the English and Japanese languages.

This build's Remote Desktop Connection is also used in Windows XP build 2600.3180.

NFO file[edit | edit source]

NFO contents

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 |  ____________________________________________________________________________  |
 | |   Proudly Presents: Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Build 6001 June CTP      | |
 | |____________________________________________________________________________| |
 | |                                                                            | |
 | |  ________________________________________________________________________  | |
 | | |  Release Information                                          [-][±][×]| | |
 | | |_______________________________________________________________________ | | |
 | | | Release Date.....: June 26, 2007                                     |^| | |
 | | | Directory Name...: Microsoft.Windows.Server 2008.32Bit.Build.6001.   |¯| | |
 | | | Supplier.........: Microsoft           16606.June.CTP.DVD-WinBeta    | | | |
 | | | Type.............: OS                                                | | | |
 | | | Format.......... : DVD - ISO (as supplied by MS)                     |-| | |
 | | | Number of Discs..: 1                                                 ||| | |
 | | | Archives.........: 41 x 50 MB (2% rar recovery record)               ||| | |
 | | | Files............: wb-ws32Bit6001JuneCTP.dvd.rxx                     | | | |
 | | | Protection.......: key + Activation                                  | | | |
 | | | Requirements.....: CPU: 1.5GHz+ / RAM: 512MB+ / HDD: 12gb+           | | | |
 | | | Link.............:            |_| | |
 | | |______________________________________________________________________|v| | |
 | | |                                                                    WB  | | |
 | | |________________________________________________________________________| | |
 | | |                                                                          | |
 | | |________________________________________________________________________  | |
 | | |  Release Notes                                                [-][±][×]| | |
 | | |_______________________________________________________________________ | | |
 | | |                                                                      |^| | |
 | | |Windows Server 2008, next generation server OS from Microsoft.        |¯| | |
 | | |           		                                            | | | |
 | | |                                                                      | | | |
 | | |  Nukers-This must remain an iso or it will not extract or boot.      |-| | |
 | | |                                                                      ||| | |
 | | |  Enjoy .  This is an original untouched iso.                         |_| | |
 | | |______________________________________________________________________|v| | |
 | | |                                                                    WB  | | |
 | | |________________________________________________________________________| | |
 | | |                                                                          | |
 | | |________________________________________________________________________  | |
 | | |  Install Notes                                                [-][±][×]| | |
 | | |_______________________________________________________________________ | | |
 | | |   .Unpack.                                                           |^| | |
 | | |   .Burn to dvd or mount with an emulator                             |¯| | |
 | | |   .Install, key is: GJVYY-XD7GV-X8YKQ-272HC-6DHXC                    | | | |
 | | |                                                                      |_| | |
 | | |______________________________________________________________________|v| | |
 | | |                                                                    WB  | | |
 | | |________________________________________________________________________| | |
 | |                                                                            | |
 | |____________________________________________________________________________| |
 |                  WinBeta - Always Here From The Beginning.                     |

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Japanese language variant[edit | edit source]