Windows Phone 8.1 build 14102

Build of Windows Phone 8.1
OS familyWindows NT
Version number8.10
Build number14102
Build revision112
Build labWPB_CXE_R1
Compiled on2014-05-21
Base build
About dialog
Windows Phone 8.1-8.10.14102.112-About.png

Windows Phone 8.1 build 14102 is an internal build of Windows Phone 8.1, which was found on a Nokia Lumia 830 (RM-984) prototype bearing product code 059T3H5 31 May 2023 and uploaded to Internet Archive on 20 March 2024.[1]

New features[edit | edit source]

This build introduces new features that would be publicly announced or added later during Windows Phone 8.1 GDR1's development cycle:

Start Screen[edit | edit source]

Tiles can now be pushed on top of each other to create a folder on the Start screen.

Communications[edit | edit source]

Selection operations have been improved, text messages and calls can now be deleted in batches, and users can now select multiple text messages to merge and forward.

Alarms[edit | edit source]

A new “Snooze time” option has been added to the Alarm app.

VPN[edit | edit source]

L2TP support was added to the VPN functionality, which lets users connect to more VPN services.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

External links[edit | edit source]