Windows Phone 8.1 build 12112

Build of Windows Phone 8.1
OS familyWindows NT
Version number8.10
Build number12112
Build revision339
Build labWPMAIN
Compiled on2013-06-14
Base build
About dialog
Windows Phone 8.1-8.10.12112.339.WPMAIN.20130614-1304-Version.png

Windows Phone 8.1 build 12112 is an unconfirmed build of Windows Phone 8.1, which was allegedly found on a Nokia Omega (RM-830, V671902) engineering board. 5 screenshots of this build were uploaded to BetaWorld on 18 August 2023, and an additional set of 5 screenshots was later uploaded on 16 October 2024.[1]

Gallery[edit | edit source]

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