Windows Cougar build 033

(Redirected from Windows 95 build 33)
Build of Windows 95
OS familyWindows 9x
Version number3.1
Build number033

Windows Cougar build 033 is an unconfirmed build of Windows 95. The version number 3.10.033 appears in the file SETUP31.VER from Windows 95 build 58s, but at this point, it is unknown if this build actually ever existed. The format of the version number is similar to the one used in Windows for Workgroups 3.1.

The string "Windows Version 3.20 (Cougar)" can also be found in the same file, suggesting this may be a leftover from the Cougar project (32-bit protected mode kernel). SETUP31.VER is actually WINVER.EXE that was used during the setup stage of early Chicago builds which still featured the old Windows 3.1-like setup. It would be copied during pre-install preparations to WINVER.EXE.