Windows 95 build 106

Build of Windows 95
OS familyWindows 9x
Version number4.00
Build number106
Compiled on1994

Windows 95 build 106 is a build of Windows 95. The build number is referenced in Windows 2000 source code in\private\inet\mshtml\tools\x86\utils\acme\diamond.doc The source code also mentions Windows NT 3.5 build 612.1.

diamond.doc[edit | edit source]

The following table compares MSZIP and Quantum (at various settings) as applied to the Chicago Build 106 disk layout (1240 files, 51,596,547 bytes).  These results were obtained with DIAMOND.EXE build 500 (6/6/94) running on a Compaq ProSignia Pentium 60MHz with 16Mb RAM under Windows NT 3.5 beta 1 (build 612).