Windows 2000 build 2172

Build of Windows 2000
OS familyWindows NT
Version number5.0
Build number2172
Build revision1
Compiled on1999

Windows 2000 build 2172 is a build of Windows 2000 that is mentioned in the Windows XP Service Pack 1 source code in the file /base/ntsetup/complnce/compchk.c. Another reference can be found in the file 2n_ssend.doc on the WinHEC 2000 CD.

compchk.c[edit | edit source]

BuildNumber - Optinal Build number of OS (eg. 2172)

2n_ssnd.doc[edit | edit source]

******************** Test Info *******************
Date/Time              : 11-09-1999   11:36:50
Machine Name            : BRIKING1
Number of Processors    : 1
Processor Type          : Intel
NDIS tester             : 3.77
OS/NDIS                 : WinNT 5.0 Bld 2172, NDIS 5.0