Windows 2000 build 1717

Build of Windows 2000
OS familyWindows NT
Version number5.0
Build number1717
Build revision1

Windows 2000 build 1717 is a build of Windows 2000. This build is listed on the Fate 466 warez CD and was supposedly leaked by the warez group called PWA, but it remains to be found. Files from this build can also be seen in a few Windows Me builds. Confirmation of this build can be found in the source code for Windows XP in \NT\admin\snapin\domain\specs\dstrstui.doc.

dstrstui.doc[edit | edit source]

It is currently (as of build 1717) exposed in both DSAdmin and in Domain Tree snapin.  It should be removed from DSAdmin and only exposed in Domain Tree as we expect management of trust to happen in that UI.