Windows 10 build 21321

Build of Cobalt
OS familyWindows 10 (NT 10.0)
Version number10.0
Build number21321
Build revision1000
Build labrs_onecore
Compiled on2021-02-19

Windows 10 build 21321 is a build of Cobalt, the 21H2 development semester of Windows as a service. It was referenced in the file copysymbols.cmd pushed to GitHub repository for Core Networking CI by a Microsoft employee on 8 September 2021.[1]

set branch=rs_onecore
set build=21321.1000.210219-1428
ROBOCOPY.exe \\winbuilds\release\%branch%\%BUILD%\amd64fre\debug.crit\symbols.pri c:\symbols *.* /MIR /Z /J /MT /NP /NFL /LOG:c:\copysymbols.log

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