Windows 10 Mobile build 16212 (rs devices)

Build of Windows 10 Mobile
OS familyWindows 10 (NT 10.0)
Version number10.0
Build number16212
Build revision1000
Build labrs_devices
Compiled on2017-05-31
Expiration date
Cert. expiry2017-12-04 (+187 days)

Windows 10 Mobile build 16212 (rs_devices) is an internal build of Windows 10 Mobile. It was unintentionally distributed to mobile users irrespective of their enrollment into the Windows Insider Program on 1 June 2017,[1] along with two other compiles from the rs_iot and rs_xbox development branches.[2][3]

Two separate desktop compiles from the rs_edge_case and rs2_release_svc_d branches were also unintentionally pushed out on the same day.[1]

It is one of the few known builds of Windows 10 Mobile to be based on the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update codebase.

This build was originally archived on 17 March 2024, but the dump contains another build instead. The actual dump was uploaded to the Internet Archive on 25 March 2024.[4]

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