Windows 10 Mobile build 15047

Build of Windows 10 Mobile Creators Update
OS familyWindows 10 (NT 10.0)
Version number10.0
Build number15047
Build revision0
Build labrs2_release
Compiled on2017-02-27
About dialog
Windows 10 Mobile-10.0.15047.0-About.png

Windows 10 Mobile build 15047 is an Insider Preview build of Windows 10 Mobile Creators Update, which was released to Windows Insiders in the Fast ring on 3 March 2017.[1] This build was also released to the Windows Update server as an update from an existing version of Windows 10 Mobile.[2]

Changes, improvements, and fixes[edit | edit source]

  • Adding a new card / paying with an existing card works again Microsoft Wallet.
  • An issue is fixed resulting in the play/pause buttons when watching videos in Microsoft Edge taking two taps to work immediately after opening the video full screen.
  • An issue is fixed where the Data Usage page in Settings might be unexpectedly missing info about cellular data usage.
  • An issue is fixed resulting in certain characters on the Polish keyboard not working in Continuum when typing in the Microsoft Edge address bar.
  • Cortana’s background is now black rather than the previous dark grey.
  • An issue is fixed where after some time the -word option might stop appear in the candidate pane for words added to the typing dictionary.
  • An issue is fixed resulting in task switcher being unexpectedly slower to launch in recent flights.
  • An issue is fixed resulting in a flicker on certain devices, such as the Lumia 950, when interacting with the Maps app after rotating the phone into landscape mode.
  • An issue is fixed where dragging the position indicator in the video progress slider in Microsoft Edge would back to 0 upon release.
  • An issue is fixed resulting in notifications from SIM 2 on dual SIM phones not appearing in the Action Center.

Known issues[edit | edit source]

  • Speech packs may be unable to download on this build.

References[edit | edit source]