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	based on the CPA newspaper uploader because I'm lazy
	this is still in a state where it doesn't make any sense whatsoever

$("#p-tb ul").prepend('<li id="t-buildupload"><a href="/wiki/Special:NewWindows10" title="New Windows 10 Build (beta)">New Windows 10 Build <span style="font-size: 80%; color: #08afbd; font-weight: bold;">(beta)</span></a></li>');
if (mw.config.get("wgTitle") == "NewWindows10" && mw.config.get("wgNamespaceNumber") == -1) {
    $("#firstHeading span").html("NewWindows10");
    $buildpage = {};
    $buildpage.fn = {};
    $ = {};
    $buildpage.errors = [];

    /* functions */

    // get current build information
    $buildpage.fn.create = function (a) {
        var buildnumber = a.buildtag.split(".")[2];
        var date = a.buildtag.split(".")[5].split("-")[0];
        var finaldate = ["20", date.slice(0, 2), "-", date.slice(2,4), "-", date.slice(4,6)].join('');
        var releasedate = ["/")[4], "-","/")[5], "-","/")[6]].join('');
        var pageContent = "{{Infobox Windows build\n"+
            "|version = 10 "+a.version+"\n"+
            "|buildtag = "+ a.buildtag + "\n"+
            "|arch = x86, x64, ARM64\n"+
            "|sku = Education<br>Education N<br>Enterprise<br>Enterprise N<br>Enterprise for Remote Sessions<br>Home<br>Home N<br>Home China<br>Home Single Language<br>Pro<br>Pro N<br>Pro Education<br>Pro Education N<br>Pro for Workstations<br>Pro N for Workstations<br>Pro Single Language<br>IoT Enterprise\n"+
            "|compiled = "+finaldate+"\n"+
            "|timebomb = "+a.timebomb+"\n"+
            "|rivals = {{Rivals|TCB="+a.tcb+"}}\n"+
            "|winver = "+buildnumber+"-Winver.png\n"+
            "|image = "+buildnumber+"-Desktop.png\n"+
            "'''Windows 10 build "+buildnumber+"''' was released on "+releasedate+" to Insiders in the "+a.ring+" Ring.\n"+
            "Win8boot.png|Boot Screen\n"+
            "18342-Login1.png|Login screen\n"+
            "18342-Login2.png|Login screen\n"+
            buildnumber+"-Start.png|Start Menu\n"+
            "10159-ShuttingDown.png|Shutdown Screen\n"+
            "== External Links ==\n"+
            "* ["" Official announcement]\n";
        var epic = {};
        epic.token = mw.user.tokens.get("editToken");
            //url: mw.util.wikiScript("api") + "?action=edit&format=json&title=User:"+mw.config.get("wgUserName")+"/sandbox/a1&text=" + encodeURIComponent(pageContent) + "&summary=" + encodeURIComponent("test"),
            type: "POST",
            data: epic,
            success: function(data) {
            error: function(data) {
                if (data.status == 756) {
                    console.error("The request was too long. Please copy the content in the textarea and use it for creating the page");
                } else {
                    console.error("An error occured while attempting to publish the page");
        }).always(function() {
            //$("#buildupload dt").html('<a href="'+location.origin+'/wiki/User:'+mw.config.get("wgUserName")+'/sandbox/a1">' + a.buildtag + '</a>');
            $("#buildupload dt").html('<a href="'+location.origin+'/index.php?title=Windows 10 build '+buildnumber+'&action=edit">' + a.buildtag + '</a>');

    // main execution
    $buildpage.fn.exe = function() {
        // data from a different page
        var version = $("#b-version").val(),
            buildtag = $("#b-buildtag").val(),
            link = $("#b-link").val(),
            tcb = $("#b-tcb").val(),
            ring = $("#b-ring").val(),
            timebomb = $("#b-timebomb").val();
                version: version,
                buildtag: buildtag,
                timebomb: timebomb,
            ring: ring,
            tcb: tcb,
            link: link


    /* interface */

        '<section id="buildupload">\n' +
        '\t<h3>New Windows 10 Build (beta)</h3>\n' +
        '\tVersion: <input type="text" id="b-version" value="version 1903" /><br />\n' +
        '\tBuildtag: <input type="text" id="b-buildtag" value="10.0.18348.1.19h1_release.190226-1407" /><br />\n' +
        '\tTimebomb: <input type="text" id="b-timebomb" value="2019-07-05"/><br />\n' +
        '\Ring: <input type="text" id="b-ring" value="Fast"/><br />\n' +
        '\tAnnouncement link: <input type="text" id="b-link" value=""/><br />\n' +
        '\tTCB link: <input type="text" id="b-tcb" value=""/><br />\n' +
        '\t<input type="button" id="buildupload-start" value="start" />\n' +
        '\t<h3>Output</h3>\n' +
        '\tIt is likely that the page\'s content will be too long. If that\'s the case, once loading is done, copy the following content to the page:\n' +
        '\t<dl><dt></dt></dl>\n' +
        '\t<textarea rows="20" id="buildupload-result"></textarea>\n' +

    $("#buildupload-start").click(function() {

    /* interface css */

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