Windows 2000 build 1862

(Redirected from Windows 2000 build 1862.1)
Build of Windows 2000
OS familyWindows NT
Version number5.0
Build number1862
Build revision1

Windows 2000 build 1862 is an unconfirmed build of Windows 2000. The build number was referenced in the description of the Registry Editor located at shell\osshell\regedit.nt4\i386 in the leaked Windows XP SP1 and Windows Server 2003 source code and private\windows\shell\regedit.nt4\i386 in the leaked Windows 2000 source code. It was also referenced in the description of another Registry Editor located at private\windows\shell\regedit.nt4\alpha in the Windows 2000 source code. It is currently unknown whether this build ever existed.

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