Windows Vista build 5209

Build of Windows Vista
OS familyWindows NT
Version number6.0
Build number5209
Build labvbl_media_core
Compiled on2005-07-28

Windows Vista build 5209 is a pre-Beta 2 build of Windows Vista. It was presented by Steve Ball in the Channel9 video, Learning about Audio in Windows Vista,[1] which demonstrated the new audio features in the operating system. This build still uses the "Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Codename Longhorn" name on the desktop watermark despite being compiled after builds 5112 and 5212, likely because the watermark changing to its finalized branding was not yet made to this branch at the time.

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Ball, Steve. Learning about Audio in Windows Vista. Channel9. 15 September 2005.