Windows Server 2008 R2 build 6801

Build of Windows Server 2008 R2
Release nameMilestone 3
OS familyWindows NT
Version number6.1
Build number6801
Build labwinmain_win7m3
Compiled on2008-09-13
Expiration date
Timebomb2009-07-01 (+291 days)
Standard Server (Core)
Enterprise Server (Core)
Datacenter Server (Core)
About dialog
TCB.png TCBGallery.png

Windows Server 2008 R2 build 6801 is the official Milestone 3 build of Windows Server 2008 R2. This build changes the branding to "Windows Server 7" and updates the boot screen after setup.

NFO file[edit | edit source]

NFO contents

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 |  ____________________________________________________________________________  |
 | |   Proudly Presents: Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 PDC Build 6801        | |
 | |____________________________________________________________________________| |
 | |                                                                            | |
 | |  ________________________________________________________________________  | |
 | | |  Release Information                                          [-][±][×]| | |
 | | |_______________________________________________________________________ | | |
 | | | Release Date.....: November 2, 2008                                  |^| | |
 | | | Directory Name...: Microsoft.Windows.Server.2008.R2.64Bit.Build.6801.|¯| | |
 | | | Supplier.........: Microsoft                              DVD-WinBeta| | | |
 | | | Type.............: OS                                                | | | |
 | | | Format.......... : DVD - ISO (as supplied by MS)                     |-| | |
 | | | Number of Discs..: 1                                                 ||| | |
 | | | Archives.........: 60 x 50 MB (2% rar recovery record)               ||| | |
 | | | Files............: wb-mws2k8r2x64.6801.rxx                           | | | |
 | | | Protection.......: Key + Activation                                  | | | |
 | | | Requirements.....: CPU: 1.5GHz+ / RAM: 512MB+ / HDD: 12gb+           | | | |
 | | | Link.............:       |_| | |
 | | |______________________________________________________________________|v| | |
 | | |                                                                    WB  | | |
 | | |________________________________________________________________________| | |
 | | |                                                                          | |
 | | |________________________________________________________________________  | |
 | | |  Release Notes                                                [-][±][×]| | |
 | | |_______________________________________________________________________ | | |
 | | |                                                                      |^| | |
 | | |Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 will be the next version of the      |¯| | |
 | | |Windows Server operating system from Microsoft. Building on the       | | | |
 | | |features and capabilities of the current Windows Server 2008 release  | | | |
 | | |version, Windows Server 2008 R2 allows you to create solutions        | | | |
 | | |organization that are easier to plan, deploy, and manage than previous| | | |
 | | |versions of Windows Server.                                           | | | |
 | | |Building upon the increased security, reliability, and performance    | | | |
 | | |provided by Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2003 R2 extends       | | | |
 | | |connectivity and control to local and remote resources. This means    | | | |
 | | |your organizations can benefit from reduced costs and increased       | | | |
 | | |efficiencies gained through enhanced management and control over      | | | |
 | | |resources across the enterprise.                                      | | | |
 | | |                                                                      | | | |
 | | |  This is the Build distributed at the Microsoft PDC 2008!            | | | |
 | | |  The build tag is: 6801.winmain_win7m3.080913-2030.                  | | | |
 | | |                                                                      | | | |
 | | |  Nukers-This must remain an iso or it will not extract or boot.      |-| | |
 | | |                                                                      ||| | |
 | | |  Enjoy. This is an original untouched iso.                           |_| | |
 | | |______________________________________________________________________|v| | |
 | | |                                                                    WB  | | |
 | | |________________________________________________________________________| | |
 | | |                                                                          | |
 | | |________________________________________________________________________  | |
 | | |  Install Notes                                                [-][±][×]| | |
 | | |_______________________________________________________________________ | | |
 | | |   .Unpack.                                                           |^| | |
 | | |   .Burn to dvd or mount with an emulator                             |¯| | |
 | | |   .Install, Leave the cd-key field blank and install without a key.  | | | |
 | | |                                                                      | | | |
 | | |                                                                      | | | |
 | | |                                                                      |_| | |
 | | |______________________________________________________________________|v| | |
 | | |                                                                    WB  | | |
 | | |________________________________________________________________________| | |
 | |                                                                            | |
 | |____________________________________________________________________________| |
 |                  WinBeta - Always Here From The Beginning.                     |

New features and changes[edit | edit source]

This build introduces a feature internally known as “drift correction”, which resolves issues related to CPU clock circuit timing that can potentially prevent services from starting up correctly. Clock drift/timing issues plague Windows Server 2008 on Haswell and newer processors from Intel, where the OS will often not boot up successfully or boot up with many services having failed to start due to drift. Hobbyists are figuring out how to port this feature to Windows Server 2008 to resolve this problem.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Setup[edit | edit source]

Interface[edit | edit source]