Windows 95 build 310

Build of Windows 95
OS familyWindows 9x
Version number4.00
Build number310
Compiled on1995-01-12
Expiration date
Timebomb1995-11-30 (+322 days)
Product key
Beta Site ID186349
About dialog

Windows 95 build 310 is a pre-beta 3 build of Windows 95, it was scene leaked on 21 January 1995 and was lost, and was found again and uploaded to BetaArchive on 8 June 2020.[1] It is the last build that requires a beta site ID and password to install.

It introduces a new boot screen that reads "Test Release - January 95" with a Windows logo on the lower-left side of the screen that color cycles from blue to purple.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]