OS/2 Warp 4 build 9.022

Build of OS/2 Warp 4
Compiled on1996
Base build
Works in

OS/2 Warp 4 build 9.022 is a build of OS/2 Warp 4. The Bonuspak for this build was leaked by warez group RBS on 4 July 1996. This build is also listed in the Fate 106 warez CD list.[1]

NFO file[edit | edit source]

NFO contents

                            _:  _                                             
   j   _      ___,,,pyygg#  jM6MMMM0g  "QMMMMMMM0MM  qmyy,                     
   MydMMMb    "MMMMMMMMM@  #MMMM@"MMMp   MMMMMMMMM'   #M@            jgy_      
  #MMMMMMM#    ]MM@M"^"0    TM0^   #MF   #M     ''    IMF           BMMMMN_    
 #MMMM@"MMM#    MM     ^    jMF  _#MM    #M__ _f      IMf          jMMMMMMMM'  
 "MMM'   TMM    MM   d      jM$0MMMMMp   #MMMMMF      IMf          #M@^"#MMf   
  MMf    jMM    MMAMMM      jMM0F^^MMM   0MF""QF      IMf          0MF   MF    
  #M'    jM#    MMMMMM      jMF     MM   MML          IMf    j     TMM   @     
  #Mf   jMM'   jMM   ^ ,    jM1,yyy#M@   MMyy___jL    IMf    #L     MMMg '     
  #M0gygMM#    jMM    _#g   BMMMMMM0F  _gMMMMMMMMM_   IMf    MMg    `0MMM_     
  #MMMMMM@     jMM_y#MMMMb 7MM"^```       ````""MMMp  #MNg_  #M'      MMMMg    
  #MMMMMMF     jMMMMMMM"^                            "MMMMMMM0M      f "MMMf   
  #MF``#MM     jMMM"`     _gMMMMMNg     jMMMM0`         `"9MMMML    #L   QMM   
  #M   ^MM#   J"^        jMMMM@MMMMM   jMMMM@               `"MM   #M#    MMp  
  #ML   #MMMf           jMMMF   jMMM# jMMMMMMMMy_               ' #MMMg   MML  
  #ML   jMM#             QMMMmyy#MMMF MMMMM^"QMMMp                  MMMNygMMF  
  0MMy   #M'              "MMMMMMMM@  MMM#   _MMM#                   3MMMMMMf  
 jMM@`   jM                  _#MMM@   TMMMMMMMMM@                     "#MMMM   
 B@`      #                ,gMMM0^     `"MMMMM"^         [┬hΣ K°ⁿ '96]  "M@^   

 │ Presents: IBM Bonuspak for OS/2 Warp v4.0 aka OS/2 Merlin Build 22      │
 │ Supplier..........: Crypto            Released.........: 07-04-96       │
 │ Cracker...........: n/a               Video............: n/a            │
 │ Packager..........: Crypto            Audio............: n/a            │
 │ Protection........: n/a               Disk(s)..........: 50             │

 │ Release Notes:                                                          │
 │                                                                         │
 │                 We in REBELS are proud to present IBM Bonuspak for      │
 │                 OS/2 Warp v4.0 aka OS/2 Merlin Build 22 (only!)         │
 │                                                                         │
 │                 This package includes several programs, for a           │
 │                 description of them, go to the software installation    │
 │                 in OS/2 Merlin's system folder.                         │
 │                                                                         │
 │                                         Crypto / Rebels Senior          │
 │                                                                         │
 │                                                                         │

 │ Installation Notes:                                                     │
 │                                                                         │
 │                      Extract all images to floppy using XDFCOPY which   │
 │                      can be runned from a DOS or an OS/2-session.       │
 │                                                                         │
 │                                                 Have phun!              │
 │                                                                         │
 │                                                                         │

 │ Group News:                                                             │
 │             Today we welcome RacJam back to REBELS!                     │
 │                                                                         │
 │                                                                         │
 │              Make sure to check our www, Adress below.                  │
 │                                                                         │
 │              We are trying to be a group with a 100 % brisk and loyal   │
 │              members. We are doing it in our way and for fun...         │
 │              We all have a life outside the scene and this is a great   │
 │              hobby activity. Thats a fact! We can always take a few     │
 │              days/weeks off from the scene, but we will always be back  │
 │              strong as usual.                                           │
 │                                                                         │
 │              We are a living legend with a history back to the c64 days.│
 │              We ruled the Amiga demoscene in many years and now we are  │
 │              a major part of the PC scene. We can die but never cease   │
 │              to exist for all who know what we have done.               │
 │                                                                         │
 │              If you wanna reach us for joining or for another reason    │
 │              please contact any member on IRC or send a mail on e-mail  │
 │              MET.asa@mbox200.swipnet.se                                 │
 │                                                                         │
 │              Do NOT forget that contacts only can be accepted with      │
 │              a good attitude and respect for our name!                  │
 │                                                                         │
 │                                                                         │

 │ Greetings   Groups:                                                     │ 
 │                                                                         │
 │             SECT, STEALTH, MASQUE, PWA, RCN, ATA, ENERGY & CB4          │
 │                                                                         │
 │             Personal:                                                   │
 │                                                                         │ 
 │             Apollo, Burana, Dizzident, Doson, M:et, Rmz, Sicko & Soul   │
 │                                                                         │
 │                                                                         │

 │ MEMBERS:                                                                │
 │                               [ Council ]                               │
 │                                                                         │
 │                     Doson   M:et   Omnibuz   Skater                     │
 │                                                                         │
 │                               [ Seniors ]                               │
 │                                                                         │
 │         Crypto   Eddie   Ghostrider   Jolly Roger   RacJam   TGD!       │
 │                                                                         │
 │                               [ Members ]                               │
 │                                                                         │
 │     Analog   Apollo   Artur   Chroniq   Dwolf   Darkslave   E-Buzz      │
 │           Eck   Elvin   Fireblade   Goldrunner   Gordon Gekko           │
 │              Hackrat   Icn   Karen   Kot   Lord Zai   Luke              │
 │                    Perfect Courier   TheKon   Totl                      │
 │                                                                         │

 │ REBELS BOARDS                                                           │
 │ ?????????                +06 Nodes   ??????          World Headquarters │
 │ Threshold                 04 Nodes   Analog             US Headquarters │
 │ Just 4 Fun                06 Nodes   Tgd              Euro Headquarters │
 │ Contct BBS                03 Nodes   xxxxx                 +46-30021723 │
 │ Master & Servants         06 Nodes   Elvin                 Member Board │
 │ Are You Sure              04 Nodes   Kot                   Member Board │
 │ The Future Connections    02 Nodes   Eddie                 Member Board │
 │ Gold Mine                 02 Nodes   Goldrunner            Member Board │
 │ Community Blowtorch       04 Nodes   Apollo                Member Board │
 │ Ascii Express             03 Nodes   Captain Over            Dist Board │
 │ Digital Illusions         03 Nodes   Perfect Courier         Dist Board │
 │ Total Darkness            02 Nodes   Darkslave               Dist Board │
 │ F2                             Burana & Soul                EHQ    Site │ 
 │ Rat-Hole                       Hackrat                      Member Site │
 │ 7-11                           CQ                           Member Site │
 │ Power Station                  Gordon Gekko                 Member Site │
 │ TeC                            Gromit                       Member Site │
 │ Tld                            Logic                        Member Site │
 │                                                                         │
 │ WWW site (under construction) http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/3491 │
                       Stealth: Official Rebels Couriers 

                         "We Make All Days Party Days"     [NFO:960801/M:ET]

References[edit | edit source]