Document:Windows Nashville build 999 NFO (ZOOP 95)

,-*'^'~*-,._.,-*~ZooP 95~*-,._.,-*~'^'~*-,
 FileName: Windows 95 4.10.999
     This is aka Nashville
 Description: Well I gotta say I thought
     that this sounded kinda fishy.
     But after seeing it I am impressed.
     Altec scored this puppy.  Not bad at
     all.  It has lots of kewl new features
     like auto highlite and a Personal 
     Info thing.  It loox worth the 

 Released by: ZooP95
 Recieved from: ??????                  
 Release date: 12/04/95

,-*'^'~*-,._.,-*~ZooP 95~*-,._.,-*~'^'~*-,
|           Freelance Couriers           |
|                                        |
|    We aren't out to take over or       |
|    compete.  We simply get the shit.   |
|    Test it.  If you like it buy it.    |
|    If you don't then ditch it and      |
|    call the publisher and say it       |
|    sucked.                             |

 Install Notes

 - If you don't know how to install 95
 - You suck!   

,-*'^'~*-,._.,-*~ZooP 95~*-,._.,-*~'^'~*-,
|                                        |
|                 We are                 |
|                                        |
|     Renside, Altec, CornFED. zOmBa,    |
|        RufusR, capsta, CyBeR_S         |
|                                        |
|  If you are interested in bummin with  |
|  us contact us on IRC.  or MSG an op   |
|  in #zoop                              |